Decluttering Will Be the Best Decision You Make in 2024

Decluttering, the art of simplifying our surroundings, is not about tidying up a physical space; it’s a transformative journey that positively impacts mental health, productivity, and creative energy. For moms, this stands especially true, because clutter has been correlated with raised diurnal cortisol levels (how we measure stress).*

Picture this: a room free from the chaos of excess belongings, a desk clear of unnecessary clutter, and a mind liberated from the weight of disorganization and proof of unaccomplished projects or tasks. This is the essence of decluttering, and its benefits extend far beyond just creating a neat space.

Let’s begin with mental health – essential for living a fulfilled life. A cluttered environment often mirrors the state of our minds; when our surroundings are chaotic, it can lead to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety. The constant visual and mental noise generated by clutter is detrimental to our well-being. On the flip side, a decluttered space fosters a sense of calm and order; it becomes a haven, a place where the mind can unwind and find peace.

As we declutter our physical space, we simultaneously declutter our mental space. The act of letting go of unnecessary items becomes a metaphorical release, allowing us to shed the burden of the past and truly live in the present. Minimalists believe that decluttering encourages intentional living – focusing on what truly adds value to our lives. This shift in mindset can be a powerful tool in promoting mental clarity and emotional well-being that we go into greater detail in some of our programs and coaching (Find out more here). True minimalism will choose function over form every time, however, since I'm a praciticing artist, I believe in the value of beauty. That's why we coach hygge to our clients. Hygge is a Danish word that doesn't directly translate into English, but simply put, it means the cozy feeling you get when you put what matters most, first, such as a good meal with friends and family.

Now, let’s pivot to productivity. A cluttered environment is a breeding ground for distractions. Whether it’s a stack of papers on your desk or a closet overflowing with unused items, the visual noise competes for your attention and disrupts your workflow. On the contrary, a decluttered space provides a clean canvas for productivity. It allows you to focus on the task at hand without the constant tug of competing stimuli.

We like to teach clients to think of a clutter-free workspace as a booster for efficiency. With everything in its designated place, you spend less time searching for misplaced items and more time accomplishing meaningful work. We say it again and again, but it's a crucial element of sustaining a clutter-free life: everything must have a home. If something doesn't have a home, action needs to be taken on it immediately. This in turn produces a streamlined environment that creates a conducive atmosphere for concentration and creativity to flourish. When your physical space is organized, your mind follows suit, leading to enhanced productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment. Productivity and mental health go hand in hand.

Finally, let’s delve into the impact of decluttering on creative energy. Understandably, you don't have to be a professional "creative" to value the work that is a direct result of creative endeavors. Creativity thrives in spaces unburdened by excess. A cluttered environment can stifle creative thinking, acting as a barrier to inspiration. When surrounded by unnecessary items, the mind can feel overwhelmed, hindering the free flow of imaginative ideas. We are such visual creatures, so one important value we teach our clients is that "diet" is not just what you eat, but what you consume. Screentime, visual stimuli in a phyical space, and even unfinished tasks visually present in the space you are working/ resting/ eating in are all things we consume on a daily basis, for good or for ill.

In a decluttered space, creativity is given room to breathe. The removal of distractions allows the mind to wander freely, making space for innovative thinking. As the physical clutter dissipates, so does the mental clutter, paving the way for fresh ideas and novel perspectives to emerge. Color psychology also plays into this, because colors affect mood. There's a reason that most school classroom walls are white or beige (beyond skimpy budgets - but that's a topic for another day), just as there's a reason most athletic brands feature the color orange.

The benefits of decluttering extend beyond the mere organization of physical spaces. It’s a holistic approach that touches every aspect of our lives, from mental health to productivity and innovation. As you jump into your decluttering journey, remember that it’s not just about creating an aesthetically pleasing space; it’s about crafting a life that aligns with your values and aspirations.

Now, take a moment to assess your surroundings, identify areas that could benefit from decluttering, and commit to the process. If you signed up for our newsletter, you also received our "7-Day Decluttering Challenge" as our way of saying thank you. That is a great resource for anyone looking to begin the decluttering process with an easy step by step guide. Embrace the freedom that comes with letting go of the unnecessary. Your mental health, productivity, and creative energy are waiting to flourish in your newly decluttered space. Your best life is just around the corner!

*2012 UCLA study: The Clutter Culture. Jack Feuer.


... wife, stay-at-home mom, and founder of Truth & Tidy Co. Thanks for stopping by our blog. I like to joke that I didn't find the art of decluttering -- it found me! After experiencing various types of living circumstances, from apartments to four-bedroom houses on acreage to full-time RV living, decluttering has not only been absolutely necessary, but it has also become a way of life. There is so much freedom and life to be found in letting go of "stuff" that is no longer useful or meaningful, and it is an absolute joy for me to teach others how to live their best life through the act of decluttering. I'm excited to get to know you and help you on your own decluttering journey!

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