The 90 Day Decluttering Transformation System (why it works, and why it's worth it)

Experience Real Peace: Your Journey to a Clutter-Free Haven Begins Here

At Truth & Tidy Co., we understand that decluttering is not just a project; it’s a profound transformation. That’s why we proudly present our premier digital product: the 90 Day Decluttering Transformation System. Let’s delve into why this comprehensive guide is the key to unlocking a life of simplicity, organization, and contentment.

Why the 90 Day System Works: Crafting Your Vision

1. Crafting a Vision for Your Space

Before the first item is moved, the 90 Day System invites you to envision the clutter-free haven you desire. Our guide walks you through the process of crafting a vision, providing clarity and purpose to your decluttering journey.

How It Works: Crafting the Perfect Project Plan

2. Writing a Comprehensive Project Plan

A vision without a plan is merely a dream. The 90 Day System equips you with the tools to write a detailed project plan, ensuring that your vision is transformed into actionable steps. This personalized roadmap becomes your guide to a clutter-free existence.

Project Management: Scheduling and Tracking Your Progress

3. Project Management Made Simple

Scheduling and tracking your progress are integral to success. Our guide demystifies project management, offering practical tips to keep you on track and celebrate each milestone, making the journey enjoyable and achievable.

Starting the Decluttering Process: Tips, Techniques, and Tools

4. Proven Tips and Techniques

With a solid foundation in place, the 90 Day System transitions seamlessly into the heart of decluttering. Proven tips and techniques guide you through the process, making it efficient, effective, and even enjoyable.

5. Organizational Product Recommendations

Explore our curated list of organizational products, carefully chosen to enhance your decluttered spaces. From storage solutions to space-maximizing furniture, we’ve got you covered.

6. Printable Digital Planning Tools

Maximize your organization with our printable and digital planning tools. Customizable checklists, calendars, and trackers keep you engaged and accountable, turning each day into a step closer to your clutter-free haven. Want to save paper? Simply upload the documents into apps like Goodnotes for a streamlined experience on your preferred device.

Ensuring Sustainable Simplicity: The Principles of Hygge

7. Hygge: A Lifestyle, Not a Phase

The 90 Day System doesn’t stop at decluttering; it paves the way for a life of simple contentment. Learn the principles of hygge—cultivating warmth, coziness, and joy—to ensure your newly decluttered and refreshed spaces become a lifestyle, not just a phase.

Why It’s Worth It: The Joy of Simple Living

8. Embracing Less but Better

Discover the profound joy that comes from living with “less but better.” The 90 Day System instills the mindset needed to appreciate the value of simplicity, transforming your spaces into havens of tranquility.

Your Call to Action: A Life of Peace and Joy Awaits

Your clutter-free, joyful life begins with the 90 Day Decluttering Transformation System. Don’t just dream of a serene home; make it a reality. Purchase the full system now and embark on a life-changing journey!

Not Ready to Dive In Yet? Dip Your Toes with Our Free 7-Day Decluttering Guide!

If you’d prefer to ease into decluttering, subscribe to our email list today. Receive a free 7-Day Decluttering Guide, giving you a taste of the transformation that awaits when you’re ready to embrace the full 90 Day System.

Your journey to simplicity begins now. Join Truth & Tidy Co., and let the transformation unfold.


... wife, stay-at-home mom, and founder of Truth & Tidy Co. Thanks for stopping by our blog. I like to joke that I didn't find the art of decluttering -- it found me! After experiencing various types of living circumstances, from apartments to four-bedroom houses on acreage to full-time RV living, decluttering has not only been absolutely necessary, but it has also become a way of life. There is so much freedom and life to be found in letting go of "stuff" that is no longer useful or meaningful, and it is an absolute joy for me to teach others how to live their best life through the act of decluttering. I'm excited to get to know you and help you on your own decluttering journey!

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